Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 4 5/25

Baguette #3:
Same recipe as yesterday, only the preferment was half poolish and half levain.  
86% pre-ferment, 67.5% hydration, 370g portions, baked @ 430f for 33 min

Flavor was good, scores were much better, crust was good but the color was a little too drab.  I had already baked it pretty long and any more would have made the crust too thick.  I believe the issue is either incorrect fermentation time or inadequate venting of steam.  As the crumb was nice, I would guess that it is the ventillation, which creates the conditions for browning after oven-spring has occured.  I will create a ventilation procedure that is consistent and effective.

Ciabatta #1:
Used the same pre-ferment - half poolish and half levain.  80% hydration.  Baked at 430 for 35 min.

Flavor was quite nice, with a good chew.  Had the characteristic flour pattern on top.  I also shaped one as a fougasse, which came out pretty nice.  Such a wet dough does not like to hold its shape, and as such the rectangles were more like blobs.  Simply a matter of practice, however.  These would be great as individual 40g portions, cut into perfect squares.


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