Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 3 5/23

Pain de Mie #1:
Mini loafs - 30g and 40g portions, baked @ 375f for 20 min.  Pullman loaf - 1200g portion without lid baked at 375f 55 min.

Nice quintessential white bread.  The mini loaves were nice - 35g portions work best.  Might be interesting for a bread service, instead of just rolls.  Can try with different doughs.  Will try a different technique for shaping so the sides and edges are cleaned up.  As far as the pullman, 1200g is a good portion if I am using the lid.  Without the lid I will try 1400g so there is more of a mushroom top.  

This recipe is lightly sweet and tender, but not too rich.  It stands up to various supplemental flours like rye, whole wheat, spelt etc. as well as seeds, whole or cracked grains etc.  I'm going to add oats and whole wheat next.  Might sell well as a sandwich bread, pre sliced, with the older crowd as well as with people with children.  Makes a hell of a pb&j and some killer toast.


Pain au Lait #1:

"Laminated" without adding extra butter.  Rolled to half an inch and portioned in squares and circles.  Egg washed, sprinkled with sel gris and scored.  Baked @ 375f for 18 min.

Here is a dough I have made hundreds of times, but haven't ever done the laminating step.  Not sure where that technique first started, since there is no butter block or any additions, you're simply folding the dough over itself.  Having made this dough so many times, I must say that these extra steps really do add something special.  It was fluffy and light - very nice.  I will find a more elegant and precise shape for the rolls.

This dough is so highly versatile and down the road one can really do a lot with it.  Plug in almond, hazelnut, sesame or coconut milk.  Or goat milk, sheep milk, creme fraiche, caramelized milk etc.  It can be tailored easily to fit vegan requirements, a themed dinner or even a specific course.

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